Mind and Body Exhibition
Developed 1987-1988, open 1988-1994
Mind and body was one of the long-term exhibitions to open with the then new Powerhouse Museum in 1988. Jesse developed much of the storyline and supervised the team developing this quirky multiple-media, highly interactive, 300 square metre display about health. The four sections, Body talk, Mind over body, Which doctor? and Minding the body approached the concept of well-being from sensory, social, cultural, medical, environmental and personal perspectives.
Photo: Jesse Shore
The Mind and body exhibition used artistic elements in many of its displays and design elements to help convey abstract ideas. The entrance feature of the mannequin merging with a mirror (a bit like Alice through the Looking Glass) raised visitors’ curiosity and hopefully gave a hint that being healthy was more than just about one’s body.

Image reproduced courtesy of the Powerhouse
Museum, Sydney. Photo: Andrew Frolows
The Taste-bud dictator appeared in the Body talk section of Mind and body. This exhibit aims to communicate that a good diet assists in achieving and maintaining good health but we are often tempted to eat what tastes good rather than what is good for us. The display of the nearly two metre tall tongue dressed as a military dictator posed the question to visitors as to who was in charge of what they ate; their mind or their taste-buds? |