Sport: More Than Heroes & Legends Exhibition
Developed 2002-2003 and revised in 2004 for national tour, open 2003-2006
Sport: more than heroes and legends was a multiple-media exhibition which addressed the science, technology, design, history and fashion of sport. Jesse led the curatorial team to develop the exhibition which was shown in Sydney’s Powerhouse Museum from 2003-04 and then toured Australia to 2006. It covered 900 square metres in area and had more than 700 items on display, 15 interactives and more than 30 audiovisuals. Jesse helped obtain major corporate sponsorship for the exhibition.

Image reproduced courtesy of the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney. Photo:
Marinco Kojdanovski
The image shows parts of the Surf, Fly and Swim sections of Sport: more than heroes and legends exhibition. The scene captures the changing design of surfboards, a surfing kite (a link between Fly and Surf), two hang-gliders, a sail board, and a swimsuit from the start of the Swim section.
 Image reproduced courtesy of the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney. Photo: Marinco Kojdanovski
This is the surfing science interactive from the Sport: more than heroes and legends exhibition. For each exhibition Jesse creates a narrative structure and selects a combination of various media to communicate science and related ideas. Each interactive idea conveys one or more of the themes and communication objectives of his exhibition content - design brief. He then works with interactive designers to develop the prototype interactive and final exhibit. Jesse has thought-up more than one hundred interactive exhibits to fit his storylines for science displays. |