Young Scientist Exhibition
Developed 1991-2004, annual exhibition from 1991-2004
The Powerhouse Museum hosted an annual exhibition of winning and finalist entries from the Science Teachers’ Association of NSW’s (STANSW) Young scientist competition. Jesse worked closely with STANSW and their major corporate sponsor, selected the entries for display and advised the external designer to create each new exhibition. Jesse was one of the judges to decide the overall winner of the competition and the four student representatives to compete at the Intel Science and Engineering Fair in the USA. Jesse also installed the exhibition at each venue as it toured within NSW. The annual exhibition both acknowledged the best entries and encouraged more students to enter the competition the next year.
Image reproduced courtesy of the Powerhouse Museum,
Sydney. Photo: Marinco Kojdanovski
'The Young Scientist' exhibition contained working models in showcases, two-dimensional entries on walls and free standing frames, science essays and reports on reading stands, from primary to senior high school students. The exhibition was pitched at a school student, family and adult audience.

Image reproduced courtesy of the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney. Photo: Marinco Kojdanovski
This image shows the Young scientist exhibition installed at Westmead Children’s Hospital. The main venues for the touring version of the exhibition were regional public libraries. The tour attracted around 100,000 visitors each year and was one of the Powerhouse Museum’s most popular small scale touring shows. swiss replica watches